WE WIN Institute, Inc. (WE WIN) is a non-profit, community-based 501(c)(3) committed to providing free programs and services for children and youth in our community. Education is the foundation of the Black movement ecosystem and it is the centerpiece of WE WIN’s work.WE WIN strengthens academic outcomes for children ages 5 to 18 in the greater metropolitan area. We use a culturally relevant curriculum with an integrated focus on reading, writing, critical thinking, and visual & performing arts as vehicles to achieve academic success. WE WIN brings a successful, proven model that engenders pride and a love of learning in Black children and youth. Children thrive when they see themselves reflected in the curriculum, the programming, and through the eyes of the caring adults around them.
WE WIN Institute, a nonprofit, community-based organization, provides a safe and nurturing environment for young people and works to increase parental involvement in the lives of their children and in their child’s schools.
“WE WIN can be the difference that Black and all children need to be successful in school and in their life.”
-Titilayo Bediako, Executive Director